The company BADGERS - Development Professionals is an established partner in international development cooperation.
Our team has implemented many successful projects, including: supply of equipment, implementation, long term support and also the necessary training for clients.
The company is mainly focused on disaster prevention and preparedness solutions, heating systems, information technologies and supply in agriculture and health.
Mezi stovkami hazardních portálů není snadné najít platformu s bezvadnou pověstí. Vytvořili jsme poctivý žebříček, který zahrnuje pouze spolehlivá, poctivá a spolehlivá kasina působící v České republice Stránky nabízejí vynikající podmínky, prošly přísným výběrem, mají vysoké vlastnosti výplat, her a bonusů.
Our services also include consulting and coordination of subcontractors. The successful implementation of each project is important to us. We aproach each project individually and professionally. At the same, time during the implementation we actively communicate with the clients who provide us the necessary feedback.